我是土生土长的北京人。随着八十年代的出国潮漂到美国,完成了求学,就业,移民的蜕变过程。如今在美国已经生活30余年。2007起进入房地产贷款,后又做房地产经纪人。经历了美国数次金融危机的跌宕起伏, 特别是房地产的潮起潮落,也积累了相当经验。帮助无数为客户完成了买房的梦想和卖房的交易。在帮助客户买房时,我会秉承找“家”而不是找“屋”的理念。 另外, 我相信有效沟通是一切服务的开始,我会认真倾听和了解您的需求。为您找到一个在异国他乡可以停泊您未来幸福和希望的港湾。如果您认为我有可能是您要找的经纪人,让我们开始沟通吧。
Jessica 对于西雅图地区的房地产市场非常了解,在我们前期交流的过程中大概介绍了不同地区的学区,价格,让我对这里的市场有了大概的认识。在接下来实地看房的过程中也对各个地区的房子加以详细介绍,对于我最后做决定非常有帮助。Jessica 对于客户很有耐心,也很负责。在我看房的连续几个月的时间里,Jessica几乎每个周末都会把她认为适合我的房子发邮件给我,让我选择并实地看房。在买房的过程中,Jessica代表我和卖方agent联系沟通,效率很高,帮我省了很多事情,也争取到利益。总体来说,Jessica是很专业负责,值得信任的agent。
With my recent house-buying experience, I consider Jessica is a true Real Estate professional in the Seattle/Bellevue Metropolitan Area. I have and will continue to recommend her to anyone that is looking for a home. She is everything you want in an agent – honest, knowledgeable, patient, detail-oriented, and down-to-earth. Jessica is not about immediate closings, but more focuses on taking the time to understand my needs to find me the perfect match. Jessica’s strategic advices along with market insights helped to put my offer over the top in a competitive bidding situation as well as negotiating the final offer . In addition, Jessica is a veteran in mortgage business with understanding the dynamics financial environment that can be a great asset of your home buying experience. A true real estate professional!
根据我最近的买房经历,我认为Jessica真的是一个西雅图/贝尔维尤地区的展业经纪人。我会向其他人推荐Jesscia。 作为经纪人,她有你需要的全部东西- 诚实,经验丰富,有耐心,细心,而且务实。Jesscia从不急于完成交易,她会吧精力放在了解我的需求并找到最合适的房子。Jessica战略性的建议和对市场的洞察力帮助我在竞价的过程中成功胜出。出自之外,Jessica也是一个贷款方面的专家,她了解买家的财务背景可以帮助我获得成功。她是真正的专业地产经纪人!
My first property purchase was made easy and fun with the help of Jessica Chin. My initial impression was pleasant, as she showed both a sense of humor and extensive business knowledge. Unlike other agents I had contacted prior to meeting her, she treated me with as a high priority and addressed my personal interests and concerns as a customer.
Jessica did not pressure me to see or purchase homes that did not fit to my taste, and was able to find available properties that fit my criteria that I was not able to recognize on my own. The home purchased was a recommendation from her that I had previously overlooked. It was listed for far above my budget but she assured me that she could bring the price down -- and she did!
If you work with Jessica Chin you will enjoy the experience of looking for a property. She will answer your calls immediately or shortly after, go the extra mile to assist, and most importantly she will help to negotiate the best price when the time comes!
The first day we met Jessica she sat us down to discuss what we were looking for and although our criteria was like looking for a needle in a haystack she persevered unit she found a home that met all the requirements. It was a short sale and the road to closing was long and tedious but she was diligent, attentive, and consistent throughout. She really does have one’s best interests at heart and is fabulous to work with. Fun to be with too!
If you need an agent with perfect knowledge of the financial steps to obtain a mortgage and the housing market of the Seattle area, you certainly cannot find anyone better than Jessica Chin. She will take her time and go over with you through all the steps on how to get your loan and also guide you through the jungle of the housing market. We bought our property in March 2013 with her help.